The export value of the Swiss watch industry in December 2022 reached 2.024 billion Swiss francs (CHF), an increase of 5.8% compared to the same period last year.

1月 31, 2023

Any goods whose value exceeds the threshold will be subject to a 5 percent duty, as well as an administrative fee of AED 65 (approximately USD 17). This will spur local retailers to take significant product and marketing initiatives to enhance value propositions to attract and retain consumers looking for local alternatives.

1月 30, 2023

Aeffe aims to capitalize on the investment relating to the reorganization of the Moschino brand’s retail distribution in China.

1月 30, 2023

Ferragamo noted that they are quite encouraged by the positive customers’ reaction in China since the restrictions were lifted.

1月 30, 2023

The average daily sales exceeded 350 million yuan, exhibiting an increase of 150 million yuan over the average daily sales before the holiday and an increase of 20.69% compared with the 2022 Spring Festival holiday and 329% compared with 2019.

1月 29, 2023

Levi Strauss & Co. also announced that Harmit Singh’s role has expanded to chief financial and growth officer.

1月 29, 2023

In 2022, the group recorded revenue of € 79.2 billion and profit from recurring operations of € 21.1 billion, both up 23%.

1月 28, 2023

Morgan Stanley estimates, South Korea’s total spending on personal luxury goods in 2022 grew by 24% to US$16.8 billion, or about US$325 per capita. This is much higher than China’s US$55 and the US’s US$280 per capita spending.

1月 27, 2023

China has officially lifted the pandemic restrictions it had in place on January 8. Cross-border travel and international tourism have been reinstated, greatly boosting the confidence of international luxury markets.

1月 27, 2023

France has the most camping facilities where they account for more than 33% of the total camping facilities in Europe. According to, Dutch and German holiday goers accounted for 16% of internet bookings for campsites in France in 2022.

1月 27, 2023